1. Fashion as an art
We believe that fashion is not inherently capitalist or destructive. Fashion can be an art form and art can be revolutionary. Making, wearing or repairing clothes can be therapeutic and healing. Clothing can help people to express themselves and connect to each other. What we wear can tell a story.
2. Re-appreciation
We value creativity and imagination. In our profit-focused society, there is little space for craft and creativity. To us, creativity is not only an artistic pursuit - it also means finding creative alternatives to the problems we are faced with, and daring to imagine a better world. We don't believe that there is "one solution" that we should force on people. Rather, we believe that activism creates possibilities for new ways of living, new insights and alternative ways of relating to things.
3. Horizontal organization
We are horizontal (non-hierarchical), & self-organizing. This means that anyone can take initiative within our projects, and there are no authorities to obey. Through sociocratic decision making we hope to facilitate a form of organizing in which everyone's voice matters.
4. anti-capitalist, anti-colonial, and anti-patriarchal
We are anti-capitalist, anti-colonial and anti-patriarchal. Just like other major industries, the fashion industry is rooted in capitalist, colonialist and patriarchal structures and systems, and in our actions we aim to address these as interlinked forms of oppression. The fashion industry runs on making a small amount of people (often owners/CEOs of big companies from the Global North) extremely rich by exploiting workers and resources from the Global South (often in formerly colonized countries), of which 85% are women. As long as these oppressive systems are in place the fashion industry cannot be feminist and sustainable. (Important note: "sustainability" does not exist as long as the production process is focused on profit, mass-production and the exploitation of its workers).
5. Safety
We aim for our activism to be accessible and emotionally safe. We don't tolerate sexism, ableism, racism, transphobia, homophobia, classism, body-shaming or any other kind of harmful or patronizing behavior. This being said, we also recognize and confront our mistakes and flaws. We realize no one is perfect, so we aim to unlearn internalized forms of discrimination together. We see our activism as a constant path of sharing knowledge and skills, learning from each other and our experiences and being open and willing to change.
6. Regenerative culture
We value regenerative culture & joy. In our fast-paced, productivity-oriented society, we can easily overwork ourselves. We may hold unrealistic expectations of ourselves or one another, which can lead to burnout. It is important for our group to look after each other, to take care of our mental health and make room for joy and rest in our activism. We are in this for the long haul.
7. non-violent
We are against violence towards people, animals and nature. The fashion industry is responsible for murder, exploitation, emotional harm, pollution and ecocide. This is extremely violent. Direct action against this industry is needed and justified. In our actions we refrain from violence against living beings, although we do recognize that violence can be necessary in certain contexts of resistance against structural repression.
8. diversity of tactics
We believe in a diversity of tactics, meaning that there is not "one right way" to do an action. There is space for all kinds of roles in our activism that come with all kinds of risks and targets: from very low-risk actions like repairing or swapping clothes, to medium risk performative actions like a transformative fashion show in the street, to high risk direct action such as occupations. In other words: you don't have to glue yourself to a window in order to join Fashion Action - but you can if you want to.
9. Abolish a toxic industry
We want to repair fashion and abolish fashion as an industry. We want an end to the exploitation of all workers across the supply chain. We want an end to the destruction of ecosystems caused by overproduction and overconsumption. We want reparations for the people who have been the most negatively affected by the fashion industry. We want to reuse, repurpose and revalue the clothes we already have instead of constantly running after trends and disposing of garments like it's nothing/normal.
10. Collaboration & Solidarity
We actively aim to work together with other activists, groups, unions & organizations who share our values and goals. We deeply value solidarity and find it important to aid one another in our struggles and fights. We don't work together with brands or companies, so please don't even try.
"We fight against overconsumption, against exploitation in the fashion industry and for the restoration of our connection to clothing."
- Bruisje, Fashion Action Activist